Жизнь заграницей и международные экзамены / Life abroad and international exams

Life in a foreign country is not as simple as it seems. It is hard to keep in touch with your friends and relatives. Sometimes it feels like you are completely alone in the whole world. You also have to adapt a lot: learn to drive – and drive on the left side of the road, get used to the small talk and of course you are stuck between two languages. But all this problems could be overcome. We cannot imagine an educated person who doesn’t know any foreign language. It is especially important nowadays.

Every year thousand of people go from one country to another on business or for pleasure. And the knowledge of languages opens the door to any foreign country and gives the chance to communicate, to understand people and to be understood.

If you want to go abroad and find good job, you need to pass any international recognized examination about knowing English language, but practice shows that the majority of persons interested in receiving an international recognized diploma, about knowing English language, badly imagine what is it and how they can use it.

What must we know about these exams?

Firstly, the most of the international examinations require a high standard of knowing English.

Secondly, the right to pass the international examination costs money. Usually it costs about hundred dollars.

Thirdly international certificates have period of validity. For example TOEFL`s period is equal only for two years. Also this exam differs on its complexity.

And exams of City & Guilds approach for any spheres of human activity and this test give ability to use English language in any real situation and as means of communication at work. Besides it is cheaper than other examinations in two-three times. This examination helps to get a proper appreciation of having a command of English language.

If a person plans to build a career abroad, it is necessary not only language, but also documentary confirmation that his language satisfy requirements. That’s why the certificate (if you pass an examination well) has a big weight and opens wide prospects. The certificate has no time limit of validity. You can pass this examination at any age.

As for me I’d like to work abroad because you can experience different cultures, meet interesting people and learn the language. It is very interesting to live in a new environment, than in a usual surrounding. Life abroad sounds great!

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Жизнь заграницей и международные экзамены / Life abroad and international exams