Хочу изучать английский на Мальте / I want to learn English in Malta

Hello, my dear readers! This article is about an interesting and contradictory island and well-known to everybody, I suppose. I am going to tell you about Malta. It is a pretty nice island; it is situated in the “heart” of the Mediterranean Sea. Malta attracts tourists by its cuisine, history, culture, traditions and English in particular.

Successful language learning is experience and holidays; Learning English in Malta is experience and holidays; I want to be a successful language learner – I want to learn English in Malta.

This is my motto, so to speak. Dear readers, certainly it is up to you whether to go there or not, but…it is really worth visiting. So, read this article further and make up your own decision concerning this trip.

Malta is a bilingual country. English is the country`s second official language, it is spoken everywhere. You may ask me: “Well, there are other English speaking countries to visit, e. g. Canada, New Zealand etc. Why not to go there instead of Malta?”

By the way, it is a tricky question, really why not to go elsewhere? Only the dreamers think so, because it doesn`t matter for them where to go, just they are not enthusiastic about travelling and learning languages at all. And answering the question, I should say that you will never find another country with so many offers for those who are passionate about language except for England (but it is expensive).

Well, let`s take into consideration the education system. Maltese schools and universities have British system of education. Maltese language centres have a perfect reputation – many teachers studied or underwent training in Britain. There you are supposed to learn the British accent.

By the way, the real advantage of this island is a wonderful climate, calm and tranquil atmosphere, safe environment and friendly people. Oh, speaking about the lessons, I would like to highlight the extracurricular activities,

because they give you an opportunity to use English you have learned in class, to get acquainted with Malta and its people and practise the communicative skills.

I looked through the photos of Malta on the internet and came to the conclusion that it`s a bewitching, tempting, adorable, alluring attractive and pleasant island…Photos of Malta worked their magic on me. How beautiful it is here! I am pretty sure, if you go there, Malta will make you glad.

If you have got itchy feet, my dears, believe me, Malta is exactly for you! Don`t hesitate: there are a lot of places of interest where you can enjoy yourself. All in all, Malta is something of a “must” for visitors who would like to enjoy and live Mediterranean way of life. All you need to enjoy it fully is plenty of time and a bit of patience! So, seeing believes!

Ultimately, I don`t know about you, but I am a young person, so I enjoy contrasts and strong impressions. I am eager to se the whole world. If I have a chance to visit an English speaking country, I would like to start with Malta. I`d like to listen to modern English speech because I believe it differs much from English I speak. Most of all I would like to visit Mdina, the Silent City, and the old capital of Malta, various megalithic temples including Ggantiya Temple and Valetta, the present capital of Malta. So, this trip would be fascinating and entertaining. But the main reason would be English – it is better to improve it in Malta. It seems to me that in Malta I would be given deep knowledge of English.

And finishing my article, I would like to quote my second motto: The best way to improve the language you learn is to plunge into the atmosphere of an English speaking country.

Thus, I wish or better to say advise you to visit this lovely island and enjoy its atmosphere. Hence, if I were asked whether I want to go there, I would say “yes”!

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Хочу изучать английский на Мальте / I want to learn English in Malta