Wolf and fox

Once uppun a time live in a small house a wolf and a fox. And they have a big box with honey. The fox likes sweet honey and when they go to sleep the fox pounded to her tail. And wolf ask:
– Oh fox who is ther?
– Oh wolf it’s me, go to sleep!
And fox go to honey when the wolf sleep. When she reterns the wolf ask:
– What are you doing ther?
– Oh nothing!
And the the next night the fox pounded to her tail. And wolf ask:
– Oh fox who is ther?
– Oh wolf it’s me, go to sleep!
And fox go to honey when the wolf sleep. When she reterns the wolf ask:
– What are you doing ther?
– Oh nothing!
And the therd night the fox pounded to her tail. And wolf ask:
– Oh fox who is ther?
– Oh wolf it’s me, go to sleep!
And fox go to honey when the wolf sleep. When she reterns the wolf ask:
– What are you doing ther?
– Oh nothing!
Once the fox will ”ill” and say to the wolf:
– Give me please some honey!
The wolf go to the honey but honey is disappear. And wolf retern to fox and say:
– Fox the honey is disappear!
– How desappear? Who is eat? Ooh you is eat the honey!
– No fox I don’t eat the honey!
– Ok let go to the sun and who have the honey will be the one to blame.
And they go to the sun. The fox don’t sleep and wolf sleep and sleep. And one hour later on fox’s stomach honey appeared. She begin to recoat honey to wolf’s stomach. And say:
– Wolf what is this?
And wolf confessed.

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Wolf and fox