Why today’s youth culture has gone insane

Why today’s youth culture has gone insane
Editor’s note: This is the second and final part of a groundbreaking report on today’s youth culture by WND Vice President and Managing Editor David Kupelian. Part 1 exposes the cynical and soulless marketing of corruption to the “MTV generation” by Viacom, Disney, AOL/Time Warner and other companies. Part 2 takes readers on a guided tour of the psychological and even spiritual devastation being wrought in today’s youth, and points to the way out. Parts of the following are shocking, and may not be suitable reading for children. Parental discretion is advised.
Remember in the classic, biblical epic films of the 1950s, how Sodom and Gomorrah were portrayed? Drunken men with multiple piercings and bright red robes, with one loose woman under each arm, cavorting in orgiastic revelry against a background of annoying, mosquito-like music? Maybe a bone through the nose as well? Hollywood took pains to depict these lost souls in the most debauched and irredeemable manner – to justify their subsequent destruction with fire and brimstone as punishment for their great sinfulness.
Guess what? Those Hollywood depictions don’t even begin to capture the shocking reality of what is going on right here in America’s culture today – I mean, they’re not even close.

First of all, there’s sex. Very simply, there seem to be neither boundaries nor taboos any more when it comes to sex. Anything goes – from heterosexual to homosexual to bi-, trans-, poly-, and you-don’t-want-to-know sexual experiences. Sex has become a ubiquitous, cheap, meaningless quest for ever-greater thrills. As Dr. Laura Schlessinger quipped, the guy no longer has to lie to the gal, pretend he likes her or take her out to dinner to get sex – he just has to show up.
Moreover, with the evolution of online pornography, every type of sexual experience has literally

been shoved under the noses of millions of Americans against their will, who find their e-mail in-boxes filled with hard-core sexual images. As a result, a recent urgent plea from well-known evangelist Chuck Swindoll lamented that one out of two American churchgoers today is caught up with Internet pornography.
What about body piercing? It has progressed from traditional earrings for females, to earrings for males (eager to display their “feminine side” which the ’60 cultural revolution sold them), to multiple piercings for both males and females in literally every part of the body – the tongue, nose, eyebrow, lip, cheek, navel, breasts, genitals – again, things you don’t really want to know.
It’s the same progression to extremes with tattooing. But why stop with “conventional” piercing and tattooing? Ritual scarification and 3D-art implants are big. So are genital beading, stretching and cutting, transdermal implants, scrotal implants, tooth art and facial sculpture.
How about tongue splitting? How about branding? How about amputations? That’s right – amputations. Some people find these activities a real “turn-on.”
There are no bounds – no lower limits. Whatever you can imagine, even for a second in the darkest recesses of your mind, know that someone somewhere is actually doing it, praising it, and drawing others into it via the Internet.
Strangest of all is the fact that any behavior, any belief – no matter how obviously insane – is rationalized so it sounds reasonable, even spiritual.

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Why today’s youth culture has gone insane