Weight-loss myths

MYTH #1: “Skip breakfast, save calories.”
Wrong! Skipping breakfast can only sabotage your weight-loss efforts. Guys who eat breakfast daily weigh less; those who don’t eat breakfast weigh more. It’s that simple. A high-nutrient breakfast gets your body off to a good calorie-burning start. Translation: Yes to eggs and turkey bacon; no to Denny’s All-American Slam!

MYTH #2: “I shouldn’t eat after 6 p. m.”
There’s no magic time to stop eating. Just stop eating bad food late. No one craves a spinach salad while mindlessly staring at the tube. It’s usually ice cream, chips, or other junk. Force yourself to find better snacking options.

MYTH #3: “Fat-free means belly free!”
You wish. You can’t take the fat out of a “fatty” food and make it healthy. If you’re buying, say, a “fat-free” cookie, the fat may be missing, but in its place you get tons of additional carbs and sugar that are attempting to make the fake food taste real. Skip the imposters; eat a smaller portion of what you really want.

MYTH #4: “I need a fat-burning supplement to shed weight.”
Supplements are just that – supplements to smart eating. There are no miracle pills, potions, creams, or even shoes that help you grow muscle or incinerate fat. The right supplement may help, but training hard and eating right are truly the only ways to get ripped.

MYTH #5: “Fruit is high in calories, and makes you gain weight.”
Oh, please. We didn’t become a fat nation by eating too much fruit. The average American eats less than three servings of fruits or veggies each day. Study after study shows that the more fresh produce you eat, the less you’ll weigh – and the better you’ll feel.

MYTH #6: “Carbs make me fat.”
Carbs aren’t all “bad.” Soda (bad) is a carbohydrate. But so is broccoli (good). To lose weight, choose the right carbs instead of focusing on overall carb intake. Enjoy veggies, fruits, and high-fiber whole grains (within reason). If you can’t resist an indulgent carb – like ice cream or pie – burn it off it with exercise.

MYTH #7: “The only thing that matters for weight loss is cutting calories.”
Not exactly. Total calories do matter, but the quality of those calories is just as important. Washing down a 500-calorie cheeseburger with a 200-calorie soda is a far cry from eating the same number of calories in a handful of almonds, a piece of fruit, and some wild salmon.

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Weight-loss myths