Выбор карьеры в 21 веке / The choice of a career in the 21st century

One of the main choices in people’s life is the choice of a career. Most people start to think about it in the age of 16-20. When you are 16-20, as a rule you already imagine your future life and your future profession. Although that option tends to be the hardest choice in your life, most people agree that in present there is no difficulty in choosing a career.

In contrast to our parents we have much more ways to find out all about the university/college/company/factory we indent to choose. There is a plenty of things that can help you: people having a good or even a bitter experience, the internet pages, statisticsand the employment centers. The more information we know the better vacancy we choose.

To begin with one thing that always rescues. It is advice. It may be advice of your parents, friends or people who knows something about this university or company. There need be no doubt that these persons would give you the right recommendations. That is why you should meet people working in the same place.

Besides, you can rely on the statistical information that is very popular in the 21st century. Just decide what do you prefer – a six-figure salary or working flextime and learn the statistic data.

The main thing that helps you is the Internet. Every modern institution has its own web-site, where you can recieve all the up-to-date information. Also you can send your resume to employers. Moreover in the worldwide web you can meet somebody who works in the same sphere. Communicate and get to know all about the profession of your dream!

Finally, if none of mentioned things helped, you can use the service of the Employment center. Specialists can give you all the necessary information and you may do the Test of professional suitability.

Taking everything into account we can say that in present choosing a career is becoming easier. More ways to seek, more alternatives are appearing from day to day. You may be helped by more and more people. If you know all your advantages and weaknesses, your interests and preferences, your choice will be right. And thanks to the 21st century and its technologies, choosing will be faster and easier.

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Выбор карьеры в 21 веке / The choice of a career in the 21st century