Величайший американец всех времен / The greatest american ever

“It should have been somebody else…”

American song

Great man, great leader, great American… Not a simple question.

OK. When we’re thinking of the country some names, some faces, even things appear in our memory.

America for me…is people who made it famous for everybody. Americans are everywhere around us today:

John Pemberton and Coca – Cola… Impossible just think of life without it!

Blue jeans…Thank you very much Mr. Strauss. The greatest idea for ever!

The hot dog… not healthy(I know), but always ready to help.

Chewing gum…invention, that conquered the world. Mr Wrigley how did you guess?

The Simpsons, Hollywood, MacDonald’s, Hamburgers, jazz, Elvis Presley…. Great Americans!

Well, try to be more serious. Surfing the net…that’s what I need!

“Who do you think is the greatest American”? More than 2.4 million Americans cast their vote by phone, text or e-mail in the poll, organized by the Discovery Channel. The greatest American? Lincoln? Einstein? No – it`s Ronald Reagan/

Top 10 greatest Americans :

Ronald ReaganAbraham LincolnMartin Luther KingGeorge WashingtonBenjamin FranklinGeorge W BushBill ClintonElvis PresleyOprah WinfreyFranklin D Roosevelt

OK. You see Americans are very patriotic. It’s easier for them to choose the greatest for their own country.

For me… A student living far away…not interested much in politics…

My Choice….BILL GATES!

HE IS THE GREATEST, because he made himself the greatest, he put American dream into a reality, he changed the world, he invented and developed ideas of FUTURE.

Can you imagine our life today without Microsoft achievements? Terrible! Medieval times!

Without Bill Gates, there`s likely no Microsoft, no Windows, no Office suite, and, perhaps, even a delay in the

technology and Internet revolution. He leaves behind a world of technology. The company he and Paul Allen founded and that Gates really drove for over three decades created an unrivaled universe of extraordinarily popular and successful products, not the least of which is Windows. I get it that Microsoft`sproducts weren`t always original; perhaps they never were. We all know that Xerox Created the first graphical interface, and that there were precursors to MS-DOS. There were also countless word processors in the early nineties, but none became quite as popular or widely used as Microsoft Word.

Bill Gates` genius, aside from his ability to know quite a lot about a lot of things, was not, in the end, his grasp of technology. Instead, Gates understood the market like no one else, and knew how to put his products in the hearts and minds of consumers and businesses, and then to move them onto hundreds of millions of desktops.

So thank you, Bill Gates. Thanks for Windows and Word, PowerPoint and Excel, even Internet Explorer. Thanks for pushing the market to do better. Thanks for making the world more interesting with your presence. Thank you for giving the Chance to learn more about the world very fast by clicking the mouse. Thank you for…..so many things. And my personal “thank you” for giving me an example of “successful life story”.

…It should have been somebody else…


Birth date: October 28, 1955Education: Public elementary school. Entered private Lakeside School at the age of 12. Dropped out of Harvard University (junior year).Native City: Seattle, WashingtonHobbies: Bridge, golf, reading, philanthropy. Preferred foods: Cherry Coke and spray cheese


Earns approximately:

6 Billion Dollars in a year or500 Million Dollars in a month or16,660,000 Dollars in a day or14614 Dollars a minute or243 Dollars a second.


US`s national debt is about $5.62 trillion. If Bill Gates wants to pay the debt by himself; he will finish it in less then 10 years. He can donate $15 to everyone on earth and still be left with $5 million for his pocket money. Michael Jordan is the highest paid athlete in the US. If he doesn`t drink and eat, and keep his annual income at $30 million, he`ll have to wait for 277 years to become as rich as Bill Gates today. If Bill Gates were a country, he will be the 37th richest country on earth. If you change all of Bill Gate`s money to $1 bills, you can make a road from earth to moon 14 times back and forth. But you will have to make that road non-stop for 1400 years, and use a total of 713 BOEING 747 planes to transport all the money.

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Величайший американец всех времен / The greatest american ever