В кафе за чашкой кофе / My Eating Experience

Gourmets and these who like sweets eat exotic food and famous sweets, but hardly know about the recipes of these dishes. If I were asked, whether I am a sweet tooth, I would say with confidence “yes”. I like candies, cakes and biscuits, but I am also not interested in the recipes of the cakes or whatever.

When I had my summer exam period, my friend asked me to go for coffee. Though there are a lot of cafes and restaurants in Saratov, which provide us with a great variety of ordinary and exotic food, we decided to go to some coffee house, just to discuss some juicy news.

My friend and I ordered two cups of strong black coffee with sugar and strawberry syrup. I should say that I like coffee immensely, especially iced coffee. That time it was superb, really hot and Savoury. As my friend is fond of dishes, sweets in particular, she told me how napoleon was made in 1912. So, one of the cooks intended to bake some unusual cake. He baked it in an unusual form because that cake was in the form of the cocked hat that wore Napoleon. The surprise succeeded and since then the name of Napoleon is used not only in the encyclopaedias, but in the cookbooks as well. Now in any confectioner`s shop we can find such cakes as Napoleon among the others.

As for the coffee house I would like to say that I like calm and tranquil atmosphere that helps me to relax and to enjoy myself. Usually when I drink coffee in such places like that, I feel the presence of somebody who tells me: “Calm down, there is nothing to worry about.”

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В кафе за чашкой кофе / My Eating Experience