Using the atm

Lesson Introduction:
Today’s podcast tells us one thing: never use the ATM machine when you’re in a bad mood. In fact, ATM machines are never difficult to use as long as you have some patience. Listen carefully as we introduce you some frequently used ATM instructions in English. You’ll also learn some great English phrases to express your frustration.
M: Hello everyone! Welcome back to another great lesson here with us at EnglishPod! My name is Marco.

E: And I’m Erica.

M: And today we’re gonna be getting money.

E: That’s right. We’re going to have a lesson about the ATM.

M: The ATM or…

E: Automatic Teller Machine.

M: Okay, that’s what it stands for, ATM.

E: Uhu.

M: So, we’re gonna be looking at the language that you’ll probably find in an ATM maybe in the United States or in English speaking country.

E: That’s right. Um, but before we begin, why don’t we look at some vocabulary that we’ll hear in the dialogue?

Voice: Vocabulary preview.

M: As we mentioned, the ATM or automatic teller machine is the machine where you get your money, right?

E: Exactly.

M: And also, well, some people or in different places they may call it the bank machine.

E: Yeah, or maybe the cash machine.

M: Uhu.

E: Uhu.

M: Or just a money machine or something. Alright…

E: So, ATM.

M: ATM. And now, let’s take a look at our next word.

E: Local authorities.

M: The local authorities.

E: The local authorities.

M: So, what are the local authorities?

E: Well, basically, it’s the police.

M: The police.

E: Uhu.

M: Why do you say local authorities?

E: Okay, well, authority is, uh, the person in charge, right?

M: Uhu.

E: The boss.

M: Uhu.

E: So, the local authorities are basically

people who are the boss of this place.

M: In that area.

E: Yeah, so…

M: Okay.

E: The police.

M: The local authorities.

E: Uhu.

M: So, why don’t we start now with our dialogue? Why are we talking about local authorities and ATM machines?

E: I don’t know. We gotta listen to find out.


M: Alright, so, it’s not his day today. I think he was very, uh, unlucky and I… maybe he’s gonna be in trouble.

E: I know and he was on a date. This is probably one of the worst things that can happen to a guy when he’s on a date.

M: Alright, yeah, so, well, we saw some of, ah, language that was related to an ATM, money and banking.

E: Uhu.

M: So, why don’t we take a look at that now in “language takeaway”?

Voice: Language takeaway.

E: Alright, so, the guy had to insert his card into the slot.

M: Okay, so, slot.

E: Slot.

M: Alright, slot. And that is an opening, right? Or a type of hole, maybe.

E: Yeah, it’s a hole that is usually long.

M: Long and… it’s like a rectangular hole.

E: Yeah, it.. a slot is never a circle.

M: Okay, so, for example, when you get mail…

E: Uhu.

M: The mailman will put into your mailbox through the slot.

E: That’s right.

M: Okay. Now, well… and now that he put his card into the slot, he had to input a six-digit PIN code.

E: Wanna just do both together? Digit and PIN code.

M: Yeah.

E: Okay, so, a six-digit PIN code.

M: Alright, now, we have two words here that are new. Digit.

E: Digit is basically a number between zero and nine.

M: Okay, so, any number between zero and nine is considered a digit.

E: Yes, so, one hundred (100) is made up of three digits.

M: Three digits, okay.

E: Uhu.

M: And what about PIN code?

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Using the atm