Ты и я хотим учиться заграницей! / You and me want to study abroad!

I know if you are reading my article now, it means that you want to study abroad. To study abroad is one of the most exciting opportunities because you can learn about different people and different cultures (which are really different from yours) from all over the world. It means that you gain better insight in to your own skills, habits and strengths. Through the cross – cultural communication you can better understand your own culture, traditions and customs. While studying abroad will be incredibly valuable and will help you to become a global citizen. The first time you will feel uncomfortable and insecure abroad because you won’t know a place, people and new culture but those experiences you will have a new sense of confidence and capability to thrive in the new culture and make life-long friends. Also, you will develop your knowledge of language (which you are studying), personal and private goals for the future which you have dreamt since your childhood. And you dream come true. Having study abroad experience is a way to keep an open-minded and have fun!!!

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Ты и я хотим учиться заграницей! / You and me want to study abroad!