
A man and a woman got married, and he told her : ” since you are my wife you should respect my traditions and habits…and i have 3 traditions. So, first tradition:
On wednesdays i play football with my friends…no matter what..whether it snows or it rains…i dont care..i play football!!
-Is it clear for you?, – husband asks his wife
-yes sure, she answers
So, the second tradition…on fridays i play poker with my friends, no mater what, i play poker!!
-is it clear for you? – he asks
– yes, sure, – she answers.
The third tradition…on sundays i go fishing, no matter what, i go fishing…whether it snows or it rains…i go fishing!
– Is it clear for you? – he asks
– yes, sure, she answers.
-Any objections? – he asks
-no, i understand, – his wife answers.
– Maybe you have your own traditions?- he asks.
She thought for a while and said: “well, i have, but only one…every night at 10 p. m. i have sex…whether i have my husband beside me, or i dont have…i dont care..i have sex!!

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