To be an engineer&hellip

To be an engineer…
The civil engineer needs a lot of knowledge of mechanics, construction materials, fluid mechanics and so on.
Nowadays civil engineering includes the production and distribution of energy, the development of airports and planes, the construction of chemical factories and nuclear power stations and many other important objects.

Typical Civil Engineering Careers
After getting a civil engineering degree, the most common types of civil engineering careers are:
* Construction Management Engineer;
* Geo-technical Engineer;
* Public Works Engineer;
* Research Engineer;
* Transportation Engineer;
* Water Resources Engineer etc.

And what about your character? Do you know that if you want to be a good engineer you must have a strong will and mind, good health and lots of energy? Also you must feel your personal responsibility for the results of your work.
You know that one mistake in engineering can cause the death of hundreds people.

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To be an engineer&hellip