The state of mems in israel (1)

MicroElectroMechanical Systems, widely referred to as “MEMS” in the U. S. and
As “Microsystems” in Europe, is an explosively growing field in which microfabricated
Devices are being developed for a broad range of measurement, actuation, display, and
Related functions. MEMS uses the technologies developed for microelectronics, extended
By additional processes such as wafer bonding, micromachining, and electroforming, and
Is an important key in interfacing electronics to the non-electronic world. Like the
Microelectronics industry of thirty years ago, MEMS is now in a highly innovative state
Of development, with new ideas emerging at a rapid pace. Thus, while most efforts to
Date have involved mechanical devices (e. g., pressure sensors, accelerometers, and gyros)
And have given rise to the new field of micromechanics, other recent MEMS work has
Given birth to microfluidic components (including microchemical systems and
Microanalysis “laboratories on a chip”) and to integrated optical systems. Both of these
Areas are rapidly becoming the focus for major worldwide efforts in their own right,
Opening up whole new fields of study and promising important commercial products.
Much of the excitement associated with MEMS is due to the fact that with a
Relatively modest set of micro fabrication technologies, a very broad array of devices can
Be realized, with a revolutionary effect on many different application areas. In process
Control, precision sensing and actuation devices will allow adaptive control of production
Equipment at levels never before possible, including tool control to support advanced
Microelectronics manufacturing. In defense, MEMS is providing vital new capabilities in
Battlefield awareness, vehicular control, and reconnaissance. In health care, a new

of implantable diagnostic and therapeutic devices are being developed along
With wireless wearable health monitors and external diagnostic systems. Chemical
Microreaction chambers, DNA analysis systems on a chip, and sophisticated low-cost
Devices for environmental monitoring are examples. “Bio-MEMS” represents a joining of
Microelectronics with the life sciences, bridging the most important field of the last fifty
Years together with what is widely expected to be the most important field for the next
Fifty. Automotive/transportation systems depend critically on MEMS devices for engine
Control, adaptive suspension, and inertial position sensing. Combining sensors with
Wireless transceivers creates new opportunities for automation and monitoring systems.
Exciting work to extend the maneuvering capabilities of high-speed aircraft with MEMS
Microactuators is also underway. Finally, integrated optical systems (scanners, switches
For fiber-optic communications), single-chip transceivers using MEMS-based filters for
Low-power wireless communications, inkjet print heads, readout heads for high-density
Mass data storage, and microcombustion devices for use in small-scale electrical power
Generation are a few of the other examples of important emerging systems.
2 Bikura Foundation Report The State of MEMS in ISRAEL May 27, 1999
With its already strong program in microelectronics, Israel is well-positioned for
Participation and growth in the field of MEMS. Indeed, no country with a high-tech focus
Can afford not to be in MEMS. Without a strong MEMS program, numerous
Opportunities for new industries will be lost.

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The state of mems in israel (1)