The secret adversary by agatha christie


By Agatha Christie



I The Young Adventurers, Ltd.
II Mr. Whittington’s Offer
III A Set Back
IV Who Is Jane Finn?
V Mr. Julius P. Hersheimmer
VI A Plan of Campaign
VII The House in Soho
VIII The Adventures of Tommy
IX Tuppence Enters Domestic Service
X Enter Sir James Peel Edgerton
XI Julius Tells a Story
XII A Friend in Need
XIII The Vigil
XIV A Consultation
XV Tuppence Receives a Proposal
XVI Further Adventures of Tommy
XVII Annette
XVIII The Telegram
XIX Jane Finn
XX Too Late
XXI Tommy Makes a Discovery
XXII In Downing Street
XXIII A Race Against Time
XXIV Julius Takes a Hand
XXV Jane’s Story
XXVI Mr. Brown
XXVII A Supper Party at the Savoy
XXVIII And After


IT was 2 p. m. on the afternoon of May 7, 1915. The Lusitania had
Been struck by two torpedoes in succession and was sinking
Rapidly, while the boats were being launched with all possible
Speed. The women and children were being lined up awaiting their
Turn. Some still clung desperately to husbands and fathers;
Others clutched their children closely to their breasts. One girl
Stood alone, slightly apart from the rest. She was quite young,
Not more than eighteen. She did not seem afraid, and her grave,
Steadfast eyes looked straight ahead.

“I beg your pardon.”

A man’s voice beside her made her start and turn. She had
Noticed the speaker more than once amongst the first-class
Passengers. There had been a hint of mystery about him which had
Appealed to her imagination. He spoke to no one. If anyone

To him he was quick to rebuff the overture. Also he had a nervous
Way of looking over his shoulder with a swift, suspicious glance.

She noticed now that he was greatly agitated. There were beads
Of perspiration on his brow. He was evidently in a state of
Overmastering fear. And yet he did not strike her as the kind of
Man who would be afraid to meet death!

“Yes?” Her grave eyes met his inquiringly.

He stood looking at her with a kind of desperate irresolution.

“It must be!” he muttered to himself. “Yes – it is the only way.”
Then aloud he said abruptly: “You are an American?”


“A patriotic one?”

The girl flushed.

“I guess you’ve no right to ask such a thing! Of course I am!”

“Don’t be offended. You wouldn’t be if you knew how much there
Was at stake. But I’ve got to trust some one – and it must be a


“Because of ‘women and children first.’ ” He looked round and
Lowered his voice. “I’m carrying papers – vitally important
Papers. They may make all the difference to the Allies in the
War. You understand? These papers have GOT to be saved! They’ve
More chance with you than with me. Will you take them?”

The girl held out her hand.

“Wait – I must warn you. There may be a risk – if I’ve been
Followed. I don’t think I have, but one never knows. If so,
There will be danger. Have you the nerve to go through with it?”

The girl smiled.

“I’ll go through with it all right. And I’m real proud to be
Chosen! What am I to do with them afterwards?”

“Watch the newspapers! I’ll advertise in the personal column of
The Times, beginning ‘Shipmate.’ At the end of three days if
There’s nothing – well, you’ll know I’m down and out. Then take
The packet to the American Embassy, and deliver it into the

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The secret adversary by agatha christie