The results of tqc-company

The coating industry suffered severely from the crisis that started in 2009. There was a recovery in 2010, however the industry has not fully recovered at this moment. The main issue is the lack of funding for large new projects and the bank industry’s reluctance to issue loans for new projects. Gaining more market is investing. Even governments are not that eager to invest at the moments and slow down the industry’s recovery. You have to spend money in order to make money. TQC had been a good year for TQC. The effects of the crisis did not reach al the way to the equipment suppliers. Though there was a clear shift in the expenses being made in the marked the end result is levelled out. Where in the past sales where mainly focused on production the crisis forced the shift to maintenance and quality control.

Many company’s are not interested in improving quality when sales are good. The crisis forced many coating company’s to differentiate them from their competitors. The lack of work also increased the amount of available time to do this. It is a given fact that a crisis positively affect the quality of products supplied to the marked.

During 2010 TQC innovated and launched a lot of products. We tend to look at our products from a user side. What would the user like and what would benefit you as a user. 2010 was for the first time a real winter in the Netherlands, causing great problems with some coating applications. Amine Blush was a great issue. In order to help our customers we developed a new Amine Blush Test kit in record speed. Other new launches included rework of already existing products. The already famous DewCheck had been reworked and significantly improved with the latest state of the art probes. The new DewCheck is now also suitable for the most hostile climate conditions. One of the greatest releases was the Direct Sample Procedure for the Bresle Test. Increasing accuracy 60 fold. TQC is a manufacturer and a developer

of test equipment. This allows us to act quick and still be able to deliver a high level of quality.

The Russian economy is evermore coming more important for the world marked. The oil and gas industry are a great example. At the moment Europe is increasingly dependent on the Russian oil and gas resources just as the distribution network. Energy requirements are shifting, and are providing Russian industry a great boost. Not only the oil and gas industry is growing but also industrial coating. Many company’s are looking for good priced coating work. They often look for Russian company’s but are requiring Qualicoat or Qualysteelcoat certifications as a guaranty. Many company’s are improving their quality plans and apply for certification in order to be able to get the job. This increase in quality and eagerness to deliver quality make Russia into a promising market. If this increase in quality and certification within Russia is permanent or just a short term fashion statement, only time can tell. That increased quality awareness benefits the company’s is without doubt.

Directly increasing product prices when raw material price rise is something that is often done in the paint and oil industry. Take a look at your electronic stores. There prices will not change significantly when raw material prices increase. The same goes for the equipment manufacturers. Increasing your price when not really required won’t benefit the market.

At the Nürnberg exhibition TQC will be surprising the market with great new developments.

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The results of tqc-company