The little house

There is a little house in the forest. A mouse runs by. “Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?” Nobody answers. So the mouse begins to live in the house.

A frog runs by. “Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?” – “I’m a mouse. And who are you?” – “I’m a frog. Let’s live together.” So the mouse and the frog begin to live together.

A hare runs by. “Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?” – “I’m a mouse.” – “I’m a frog”. And who are you?” – “And I’m a hare. Let’s live together.”

A fox runs by. “Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?” – “I’m a mouse.” – “I’m a frog”. – “I’m a hare. And who are you?” – “And I’m a fox. Let’s live together.”

A wolf runs by. “Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?” – “I’m a mouse.” – “I’m a frog”. – “I’m a hare.” – “I’m a fox. And who are you?” – “I’m a wolf. Let’s live together.”

A bear runs by. “Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?” – “I’m a mouse.” – “I’m a frog”. – “I’m a hare.” – “I’m a fox”. – “I’m a wolf. And who are you?” – “I’m a bear. Let’s live together.”

“You are too big!” say the animals. “You cannot live in this house!” – “Yes, I can!” roars the bear and sits down on the roof. And he breaks the house down!

Poor animals! Now they have no house. “Let’s build a new house!” says the mouse. The new house is nice and big. Even the bear can live in it!

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The little house