The legends of the urals university. legend #2

That happened in the building in Turgenev-street. Once in blue moon there lived a student of the historical department. He was extremely diligent and hard-working and – instead of going to the clubs or just hanging around with friends – he spent most of his free time in the library. The librarians always warned him not to stay there longer than necessary, but he was tireless in his quest for knowledge: he started leaving the library later and later… Once he hid himself under the big encyclopedia and forgot about the time. And the staff of the library minded their own business and forgot about his existence. So, they closed the library and went home… When they returned in the morning, they found only the boy’s library ticket lying on the encyclopedia. They called the police, but no trace of him was visible.

Maybe he didn’t stay there in the library, of course. Maybe he ran away with a beautiful girl to the USA. But why then do the Skifs newer venture to go to the 2nd floor at night? And is it true that often in the evening people who stay in the reading hall till the closing time can hear a strange noise around – like rustling of the pages of the book?

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The legends of the urals university. legend #2