The ghost

One night at 2 A. M., Alfred Mansbeidge heard something and woke up. He sat up in bed and listened. Some one was speaking in quiet voice. It sounded like a child… or maybe a ghost.
Alfred was 69-year-old widower, and he lived alone. He looked around his bedroom. There was nobody here.
“Maybe I was dreaming,” Alfred thought. He went back to sleep.
The next night at 2 A. M., Alfred head the quiet voice again. He sat in bed and listened carefully. “Came and cache me,” the voice said. It repeated the sentence five times. Then it was silent.
That night Alfred lay awake for a long time.
For the next tree months, Alfred heard the quiet voice every night at 2 A. M. “Come and cache me,” it repeated for 15 seconds. Sometimes Alfred got up and searched his apartment, but he newer found anyone or anything.
He began to have trouble sleeping. Some nights he didn’t sleep at all.
One day Alfred’s daughter and seven-year-old grandson came to visit. “Dad you are okay?” his daughter asked. “You look tired.”
“I am tired,” Alfred told her. “Every night at 2 A. M., a quiet voice wakes me up. It says, ‘Come and cache me.’ I’m having trouble with sleeping.”
“I’m worried about you,” his daughter said.”I think you’re alone to much.”
“My daughter think I’m crazy,” Alfred thought. “But I’m not crazy; the voice is real! It’s not a ghost – I don’t believe in ghost. So who is speaking to me every night? This is real mystery, and I’m going to solve it.”
The next day Alfred bought a tape recorder. At 2 A. M., he recorded the quiet voice. Then he played the recording to his daughter. She immediately called to police.”Someone – or something – is in my father’s apartment!” she told to police.

/> That night two police officer came to Alfred’s apartment. One police officer sat in the kitchen, and other sat in the living room. Alfred was in the bedroom. At 2 A. M. they all heard the quiet voice. “Come and catch me,” it said.
“It’s in here!” the police officer in the living room shouted. “It’s come from the bookcase!”
Alfred and the police officers looked at the bookcase. At first, the saw only books. Then they spotted a plastic children’s watch on a low shelf in the bookcase. It was a Spider-Man watch, and in a quiet voice, it repeated the line from the movie Spider-Man: “Come and catch me” It repeated the line five times. Then it was silent. Alfred picked up the watch and looked at it. The alarm on the watch was set for 2 A. M.
“This is my grandson’s watch,” Alfred explained to the police officers. “He loved the movie Spider-Man, so my daughter bought him this watch a few month ago. I guess he left it here.”
The next day, Albert returned the watch to his grandson. “My Spider-Man watch!” his grandson said. “I was looking for that!”
That night Alfred slept well. The voice was gone.

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