The dust

The Dust

Mr. White was sitting on a train which was travelling from Glasgow to London. The train was quite empty and quiet so Mr. White was finding the journey enjoyable and relaxing.
At Birmingham, a man with a long beard got onto the train. He looked a little eccentric. He had pink trousers, a yellow shirt with a green tie, a silver hat, orange socks and bright red shoes.
After a few minutes the man opened a small brown bag and took out some fine white powder. It looked like chalk dust. He started to throw the powder around the railway carriage. He continued doing this for about five minutes. Then he smiled to himself and sat down. Mr. White ignored him and kept on reading his newspaper.
However twenty minutes later the man took out his bag again and sprinkled the white powder around the carriage. Mr. White continued to ignore the man. However the man kept scattering his powder around the carriage every twenty minutes and this began to irritate Mr. White. After two hours Mr. White asked angrily,
“Excuse me, but what are you doing?”
The man stopped throwing the white powder and said,
“Look in my bag, sir. This powder is no ordinary powder. This is ANTI-TIGER DUST. It’s very special, very rare and very expensive.”
In an irritated voice Mr. White shouted,
“But why are you throwing it around this railway carriage?”
“Ah,” said the man. “By sprinkling it around the carriage I am keeping all the tigers away.” Mr. White was astonished. How could anybody be so stupid, he thought to himself. He protested to the man,
“But there are no tigers around here!”
The man smiled and said,
“That shows you how good my dust is.”

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The dust