The canterville ghost by oscar wilde

The next day, the ghost was very weak and tired. The terrible excitement of the last four
Weeks was beginning to have its effect. For five days he stayed in his room, and at last he
Decided to stop putting the bloodstain on the library floor. If the Otis family did not want it,
They clearly did not deserve it.
Ghostly appearances were a different thing and not under his control. It was his duty
To appear in the passages once a week, and to make frightening noises from the great hall
Window on the first and third Wednesdays of every month. He had to do it. It is true that his
Life had been very bad, but he had a strong sense of duty in connection with his haunting
So, for the next three Saturdays, the Canterville Ghost walked the passages of
Canterville Chase between the hours of midnight and three o’clock. He made sure that noone
Heard or saw him. He took off his boots, walked as quietly as possible on the old floors
Of the house, wore a big black coat, and used the Rising Sun Oil on his chains. It is true
That he only forced himself to use the oil with great difficulty. But one night, while the family
Were at dinner, he went into Mr Otis’s bedroom and took the bottle.

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The canterville ghost by oscar wilde