The 25 best tech companies to work for (10 to 1)

No. 10 Rackspace Is laid back, but people work hard and feel underpaid

Company Rating: 3.7
CEO Approval: A. Lanham Napier

The Bottom Line: Employees are thankful for the laid back atmosphere at the workplace, which is bolstered by video games, snacks, and table tennis However, it seems most would forgo these perks for fewer hours or a higher salary – the two biggest complaints about work life at RackSpace.

Employee feedback from Glassdoor. com:
“Though a good work-ethic is required to do well, Rackspace offers a very laid back atmosphere where you aren’t hovered over while doing your job.”
“The division I work in has a very free-spirited attitude. There are games and activities that allow the staff to mingle inside and outside of the office. Well stocked pantries and other cafeteria style amenities are great for 2nd/3rd shifters. They do well at providing you top-notch equipment to do your job.”
“If companies want to hire skilled labor they should hire from Rackspace it is very good breeding ground for overworked, underpaid and talented employees.”
“Sell the company before it is too late, and you run it into the ground.”

No. 9 National Instruments has a beloved CEO, but employees complain about their pay

Company Rating: 3.7
CEO Approval: James Truchard, 96%

The Bottom Line: Many reviewers classified National Instruments as steady, which is a welcome attribute in what has otherwise proven to be a time of great upheaval. Though not thrilled with their pay, employees are happy with their colleagues and widely approve of upper management, especially the CEO who they lovingly nickname “Dr. T.”

Employee feedback from Glassdoor. com:
“Culture and the people that work at NI are two of the best reasons to work at NI. In addition, benefits, job security, and the ability to drive your own career are big reasons

that I enjoy working at NI.”
“Keep doing what your doing. and Dr. T please never retire!”
“No lay-off during downturn and good work environment are something to be proud of, but you should also motivate your employees by providing better financial compensation so we can be competitive when the market turns around. Always saying “At least we’re not laying off people like Dell” is hardly motivating after 5+ years.”

No. 8 FactSet “feels like college”

Company Rating: 3.7
CEO Approval: Philip Hadley

The Bottom Line: The financial data and software company has a young workforce, offers free lunch, and has cleared paths for employees to move up within the company. In general, people are happy with the hours and the workplace atmosphere, they only wish FactSet would pay just a little bit more.

Employee feedback from Glassdoor. com:
“This place has work life balance, interesting work, many technologies in use, and is an open and friendly place to work. Factset really values their employees.”
“40-hour workweek, free lunch and snacks, nice office space, lots of talented engineers, bonuses for passing CFA exams”
“Compensation is much higher at Bloomberg, Thomson Reuters so I highly recommend applying there. Capital IQ, Dealogic, IPreo tend to offer you slightly higher pay then what you’re receiving at FactSet since they like to draw away from a competitor.”

No. 7 QUALCOMM employees face long hours

Company Rating: 3.7
CEO Approval: Paul Jacobs, 90%

The Bottom Line: The heavy workload is the major concern of employees, when they aren’t taking advantage of the beautiful San Diego locale or the gym, athletic fields, and cafeteria on site.

Employee feedback from Glassdoor. com:

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The 25 best tech companies to work for (10 to 1)