Thc university of cambridge

The University of Cambridge (informally Cambridge University, or simply
Cambridge) is the second oldest university in England and the fourth oldest in Europe.
The university grew out of an association of scholars in the city of Cambridge that was
Formed, early records suggest, in 1209 by scholars leaving Oxford after a dispute with the
Townsfolk there. The two “ancient universities” have many common features and are
Often jointly referred to as Oxbridge. In addition to cultural and practical associations as a
History part of British society, the two universities also have a long history of rivalry
With each other.
Cambridge is a collegiate university, meaning that it is made up of self-governing
And independent colleges, each with its own property mid income. Most colleges bring
Together academics and students from a broad range of disciplines (though certain
Collegcs do have particular strengths e. g. Medicine), and within each faculty, school or
Department within the university. academics from many different colleges will be found
The faculties are responsible for ensuring that. lectures are given, arranging
Seminars, performing research and determining the syllabi for teaching, overseen by the
General Board. Together with the central administration headed by the Vice-Chancellor,
They make up the entire Cambridge University. Facilities such as libraries art; provided on
All these levels by the University (the Cambridge University Library), by the
Departments (departmental libraries such as the Squire Law Library), and by the
Individual colleges (all of which maintain a multi-discipline library. generally aimed
Mainly at their undergraduates).
The University of Cambridge currently has 31 colleges, of which three, Murray
Edwards. Newnham and Lucy Cavendish. admit only women. The other colleges arc now

/> Mixed. though most were originally all-male
In addition to the 31 colleges, the university is made up of over 150 departments,
Faculties, schools. syndicates and other institutions. Members of’ these are usually also
Members of one or more of the colleges and responsibility for running the entire
Academic programme of the university is divided amongst them.
A ‘School’ in the University of Cambridge is a broad administrative e grouping of
Related faculties and other units There are six schools: Arts and Humanities, Biological
Sciences. Clinical Medicine. Humanities and Social Sciences, Physical Sciences and
The principal method of teaching at Cambridge colleges is the supervision. These
Arc typically weakly hour-long sessions in which small groups of students – usually
Between one and three – meet with a member of the university’s teaching staff or a
Doctoral student. Students arc normally required to complete an essay or assignment in
Advance of the supervision, which they will discuss with the supervisor during the
Session, along with any concerns or difficulties they have had with the material presented
In that week’s lectures. Lectures at Cambridge are often described as being almost a mere
“bolt-on” to these supervisions. Students typically receive two or three supervisions per
Week. This pedagogical system is often cited as being unique to Cambridge and Oxford
(where “supervisions” are known n as “tutorials”)
Teaching and research in Cambridge is organised by faculties. The faculties have
Different organizational sub-structures which partly reflect their history and partly their
Operational needs.

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