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Getting Started with SharePoint
2010 Development
What You’ll Learn in This Chapter:
➤➤ Getting to know the core developer pillars in SharePoint 2010
(including tools, platform services, and deployment options)
➤➤ Becoming familiar with the primary tools to develop and deploy
SharePoint solutions
➤➤ Performing a number of installation, configuration, and simple development
➤➤ Understanding site-level security settings within SharePoint
In Chapter 1, you learned about some of the basics of SharePoint 2010, including what it is
And some of the high-level features for developers. You also became familiar with some of the
Basic architectural concepts, as well as the overall look and feel of a SharePoint site – both the
SharePoint site you would interact with on a daily basis and the Central Administration site.
This chapter dives deeper into the developer features of SharePoint 2010, building on the
Discussion from Chapter 1. This chapter also walks you through some how-to examples that
Show you some basic Web-based actions, and then progresses into some more in-depth development
Samples. This chapter addresses some of the technical skills that you can expect to
Learn and hone as you get more involved with SharePoint development.
Thus, the goals of this chapter are twofold:
➤➤ To get you more familiar and comfortable with some of the core developer features of
➤➤ To begin to show how you can programmatically interact with SharePoint
26 ❘ Chapter 2 Getting Started with SharePoint 2010 Development
So, let’s jump in and get started by talking about some of the core developer features for SharePoint.
Core Developer Features for SharePoint 2010
As mentioned in Chapter 1, the major features for the SharePoint developer can be broken down
Into three

main categories:
➤➤ Developer productivity
➤➤ Rich platform services
➤➤ Flexible deployment
These three areas, in turn, can be broken down into greater detail. By doing so, you’ll see that there
Exist a number of developer-centric features you can take advantage of.
Developer Productivity
For developer productivity, a significant advance for SharePoint 2010 is the tooling support that
Ships with Visual Studio 2010. Included with Visual Studio are a number of project-level templates
And item-level templates that you can use to create and deploy a wide array of features and solutions
To SharePoint. For example, Figure 2-1 shows the different templates available to you, which are
Described in the following list:
➤➤ Import SharePoint Solution Package – This option imports a SharePoint Solution Package
(a file with a. WSP extension), the standard way of building and deploying SharePoint solutions
Into your current project that can be redeployed into another SharePoint instance of
Your choice.
➤➤ State Machine Workflow – This represents a workflow that is based on the system or application
State and can be deployed to SharePoint. It leverages Windows Workflow and is a special
Template that enables automated deployment to SharePoint.
➤➤ Event Receiver – This allows you to create server-side code that can be called and executed
By a feature or solution. Event receivers are often created to respond to a user action (for
Example, when a user adds an item to a list, an event is triggered to update a log entry).
➤➤ Empty Project – An empty SharePoint project can be used as a blank starting point for project

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