Суициды / Suicide

I always have been fascinated by psychology and could help solve some problems of my classmates. The problem of suicide interested me for a long time. That`s why I decided to write about this problem. Suicides are uniquely bad. I decided to find the attitude to suicide of my friends and almost all said that they do not relate to this, despite the fact that among them there are those who had attempted to commit suicide. Most suicides can be seen by adolescents 13-17 years. They make them of unrequited love or of some situations. Most of the teenager driving himself into a corner, but apart from that there is another reason. They lack attention. The teenager does not think that death is the end of life. He thinks that will make his parents, friends, as they will regret the fact that it is No longer. Here are the pictures which a teenager represents; of course, he hoped that he would save. But only 10 percent of people, who have decided on suicide, unable to save. As an example, cite a case: 1999. The teenager from the fact that parents paid little attention to him because they were busy raising the prosperity of the family, decided to draw their attention to suicide. He decided to hang himself. The young man had hoped that in time the parents return home and saw him, he repented will be able to save him. But parents are late; the guy did not calculate the time. And he was waving for an hour in the loop. Save him failed. I think that most people in suicide push stupidity. The easiest way to say: “Life is terrible and I`m a loser”. And what do these people have Tried to ensure that would solve their problems? Nothing! Just complaining. There are two types of people: first: it is those who by any means strive to be in the spotlight. And no matter which way they choose to solve their problems. And there are others, those who wants to be in the spotlight, but does not know how to do it. And nothing is better not to find how to attract the attention of suicide.

Many are, how they will lie in a coffin, but friends and relatives will grieve for him and cry. But now that he or she can not rise from the grave as it is not thinking. Of course, friends weep and leave; they are all the time will not hold near the grave of another. We are all living. Friends continue life, and that those who killed scores of lives? Nothing. For him longer than ever and nothing will happen. But that`s teens do not think about it for some reason. Friends – this is important. But how will feel the parents? Parents gave life; raise her child, hoping for procreation, to grandchildren, a dignified old age, and that they had received as a result? They have sorrow, tears and remorse that they are guilty, that little attention is paid to child. They (parents) lose their meaning in life. When a teenager is solved in the last seconds of committing suicide, he does not think about anyone or anything. He thinks that everything will be better and much nicer than at the moment. Not all are born in the “shirt”: not all are saved. After saving, not all remain healthy. Most people are disabled. I believe that only the weak and selfish people can solve their problems. My advice for those who has suddenly crept idea to solve their problems suicide: If you want to jump off the house, preferably high, that would feel the flight, imagine how you will approach the tarmac and realize that neither want it, you have no one can save. On the asphalt will lying crippled body. And life turns suddenly to other problems. Parents must to work more and spend money on medicine for his child, and it will think all his life that he had done. And why not return it back? It is in the best case. But there was one case of probably one in a million: the girl decided to commit suicide. It was winter. The girl opened the window and stood on the sill, while she stood there and thought, window frozen and could not be opened. She saw a guy who came into the room and tried to open the window, but nothing worked. The girl started to freeze and slide, the guy stuck his hand through the window and tried to drag her into the room, but his hands were numb and he released her. On her happiness, she fell into the snowdrifts, and managed not to break anything himself, escaped with minor scratches. She was lucky. In 2008, it was popular video where three girls sitting on the roof and talk about the guy that he is bad, etc. and the girls smoked. One of them ends smoking and leaps, her friend falls behind that is only the third one, whose wits, did not jump, and looked the height of sixteen-storey building on their girlfriends. At the two bodies would never move. And she may welllive a normal life. Of course, the girl was a shock that they were her friends has died. What was supposed to feel a girl survivor that has not tried to stop her friends of course there are people who find it difficult to explain something. But always try to do it. Adolescence – this is the age of maximalists: either all or nothing. All the teens have a black bar when they think that life has no meaning. This is only the band, which will take place. According to statistics in Russia in several cases of suicides have decreased compared with the USSR. This is what concerned the suicides among adolescents. Another facet – are adults. This is a big problem. I say briefly: adult male mortality exceeds female mortality is about two, three. Men think: no man, no problem, and others breathe calmly. And women are much more complicated. They incorporated the gene of procreation, and they are will ponder and weigh long. And in most cases they will try to solve the problem than to lay down their arms. It is that a person is normal and he has a strong character. There are people who, under pressure from someone or those who like that would solve everything for them. But one of them will decide incorrectly or not and then they decide to suicide. Certainly, one must take into account the mental health of man and his parents. If his parents had disorders or even who you and relatives have mental disorders is possible to transmit the disorder of the grandchildren, etc. My appeal to all people regardless of age: “Take care of their parents, think about them! Parents give more attention and time to your children! “

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Суициды / Suicide