Субкультура полезна? Или нет? / Subculture is useful? Or not?

Subculture is style of life for many young people. Most men concern themselves to one or other group. They follow style of hairdress, clothes, mentality, which are typical for different groups. The youth take drugs, alcohol and sometimes they are violent and aggressive too thanks to subculture.

Some people think, that subculture is useful. Firstly, youth people meet with each other and hear many new things. Secondly, people take part in meetings, where they listen to music and rest. Thirdly, the men help each other, when member of group need to help.

But other people consider, subculture and its followers are dangerous for society. Firstly, members of some groups think, that force is only decision of many arguments. Secondly, people use drugs, alcohol in order to relax. They become addict, weak-willed. Thirdly, different groups make war between each other, they make massacre, oppose to ceremonial power.

In my opinion, subculture unite people only in within the limits of one or other group. It result in disagreements and hostility between men of different subcultures. I think, that subculture is not useful. We do not need in it, in order to meet with men. We should not imitate in style of life, mentality, because it deprives their individuality and often lead to bad.

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Субкультура полезна? Или нет? / Subculture is useful? Or not?