Столкновение цивилизаций / Clash of Civilisations

The Clash of Civilisations is a theory that was proposed by one of the political scientists, whose name is Samuel P. Huntington. The author is of opinion that all the conflicts are because of the cultural and religious identities among people. S. Huntington is certain about the conflicts in the future; he believes the clash of civilizations will prevail over the conflicts of the global politics.

The development of the conflict forms are to be divided into the following two forms: 1) the first form is called “fault line conflicts” which occur on a local level and are between the adjacent states belonging to different civilizations or within the states which are the territory for the populations from different civilisations; 2) the second form is called “core state conflicts” which occur on a global level between the major states of different civilisations. This type of a conflict can arise out of the first one – “fault line conflicts” – when core states are involved into that clash.

The reasons for the conflicts are numerous: relative influence or power (military or economic), discrimination against people from a different civilisation or different values and culture, particularly when one civilisation attempts to impose its values on people from different civilisation. Other scholars are of opinion that the conflicts occur only because they strive for getting more money and power over other cultures and civilisations.

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Столкновение цивилизаций / Clash of Civilisations