Sophie kinsella the secret dreamworld of a shopaholic

Endwich Bank
1 Stallion Square
London W1 3HW
Ms Rebecca Bloomwood
Flat 4
63 Jarvis Road
Bristol BS1 0DN
6 July 1997

Dear Ms Bloomwood
Congratulations! As a recent graduate of Bristol University you are undoubtedly proud of your performance.
We at Endwich are also proud of our performance as a flexible, caring bank with accounts to suit everyone. We pride ourselves particularly in our far-sighted approach when it comes to customers of calibre such as yours.
We are therefore offering you, Ms Bloomwood – as a graduate – a free extended overdraft facility of?2,000 during the first two years of your career. Should you decide to open an account with Endwich, this facility will be available immediately.* I do hope you decide to take advantage of this unique offer and took forward to receiving your completed form.
Once again, congratulations!

Yours sincerely
Nigel Fairs
Graduate Marketing Manager
* (subject to status)


Endwich Bank


3 Fulham Road
London SW6 9JH
Ms Rebecca Bloomwood
Flat 2
4 Burney Road
London SW6 8FD
10 September 1999

Dear Ms Bloomwood
Further to my letters of 3 May, 29 July and 14 August, you will be aware that your free graduate overdraft facility is due to end on 19 September 1999. You will also be aware that you have substantially exceeded the agreed limit of?2,000.
The current balance stands at a debit of?3,794.56.
Perhaps you would be kind enough to telephone my assistant Erica Parnell to arrange a meeting concerning this matter.

Yours sincerely
Derek Smeath


Endwich Bank


3 Fulham Road
London SW6 9JH
Ms Rebecca Bloomwood
Flat 2
4 Burney Road
London SW6 8FD
22 September 1999


Ms Bloomwood
I am sorry to hear that you have broken your leg. When you have recovered, perhaps you would be kind enough to ring my assistant Erica Parnell and arrange a meeting to discuss your ongoing overdraft needs.

Yours sincerely
Derek Smeath


Endwich Bank


3 Fulham Road
London SW6 9JH
Ms Rebecca Bloomwood
Flat 2
4 Burney Road
London SW6 8FD
17 November 1999

Dear Ms Bloomwood
I am sorry to hear that you have glandular fever. When you have recovered, perhaps you would be kind enough to ring my assistant Erica Parnell and arrange a meeting to discuss your situation.

Yours sincerely
Derek Smeath



OK. Don’t panic. Don’t panic. It’s only a VISA bill. It’s a piece of paper; a few numbers. I mean, just how scary can a few numbers be?
I stare out of the office window at a bus driving down Oxford Street, willing myself to open the white envelope sitting on my cluttered desk. It’s only a piece of paper, I tell myself for the thousandth time. And I’m not stupid, am I? I know exactly how much this VISA bill will be.
Sort of. Roughly.
It’ll be about… ?200. Three hundred, maybe. Yes, maybe three hundred. Three-fifty max.
I casually close my eyes and start to tot up. There was that suit in Jigsaw. And there was dinner with Suze at Quaglino’s. And there was that gorgeous red and yellow rug. The rug was?200, come to think of it. But it was definitely worth every penny – everyone’s admired it. Or, at least, Suze has.
And the Jigsaw suit was on sale – 30 per cent off. So that was actually saving money.
I open my eyes and reach for the bill. As my fingers hit the paper I remember new contact lenses. Ninety five pounds. Quite a lot.

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Sophie kinsella the secret dreamworld of a shopaholic