Setting up a forex trading room to improve trading results

It’s very important to your long-term trading performance that you have a proper area in your house to trade from, because your environment has a direct influence on your mindset, and your mindset has a huge affect on your overall trading performance.
This article will teach you how to set up your trading room or office and adjust your lifestyle to achieve optimal trading results.
Every trader has a slightly different living situation and budget that has an influence on how they setup their trading room and what equipment they decide to use.
Ultimately, no matter what your specific situation is, you should aim to design your Forex trading room or office with just the right combination of practicality and comfort.

– Forex trading furniture
The furniture that you use to trade from is very important. If you have enough room in your house or apartment, you should definitely have a decent size computer desk to trade from. L-shaped desks that you put in the corner of a room seem to work very well if you plan on having multiple monitors, or if you just need more desk space in general. Otherwise, you at least need a desk big enough for a laptop. If you have absolutely no room for a desk, you can buy a small platform to set your laptop on so that you can comfortably work with your computer on your lap without it getting too hot.
The next major piece of trading furniture that you need to consider is your computer chair. I personally recommend investing in a high-quality computer chair. Having a comfortable computer chair to trade from makes the time you spend at your trading desk much more relaxing and enjoyable; you don’t want to be sitting in a chair that causes you pain or that just isn’t comfortable, this is not something you need distracting you from the process of price action analysis. If you are crunched for space you may simply elect to get a bean bag chair and throw it in the corner of your room or dorm,

but whatever you do make sure you have a comfortable place to sit while trading and studying the markets.
One very important point to consider is that a clutter-free work environment helps foster a clutter-free mind. So, when deciding on your trading desk and the area you will trade in; make sure you arrange it to be as clutter-free and clean as possible.
– Computers
There are many options when it comes to which computer you will use to trade from. However, there are some basic guidelines that you should follow when considering the computer(s) you will use to trade the Forex market.
First off, you want to be sure that the particular computer(s) you use is robust and relatively new, has an up-to-date antivirus/firewall, and can handle incoming data feeds in real time while running other applications. The last thing you want is for your computer to freeze up as you are trying to enter (or exit) a trade. Basically, you want to make sure your computer is in a good running state before you start trading from it, you definitely do not want to skimp out on quality when it comes to your main trading computer. Newer and faster is definitely better when it comes to computer hardware, you can get a good machine with plenty of memory, hard drive space, and processor power for relatively little money these days.
As far as how many computers you need to trade with; you at least need one reliable computer, and if you only have one it should ideally be a laptop.

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Setting up a forex trading room to improve trading results