Saying “i do”: 25 weeks and 25 years


Erika Tarantal
Age: 29
Occupation: Reporter/Anchor for WNBC TV, 4 New York

Lucas Nathan
Age: 28
Occupation: Real estate agent for Brown Harris Stevens

Home Base: Manhattan

How did you meet?

ERIKA: Growing up, I was always aware that Lucas existed. His cousin Alicia is my oldest and best friend – my first memory of Lucas was from a home video Alicia showed me of her cool older cousin snowboarding. Lucas and Alicia both ended up at Skidmore College. I remember visiting Alicia at school. She was having a holiday party, and Lucas cornered me in the kitchen and said, “I’m going to kiss you tonight.” His confidence was attractive, but I was taken at the time.
LUCAS: A few years later, I ran into Erika again, at a mutual friend’s housewarming party in Manhattan, where I ended up giving her a ride home on my bicycle, about 40 blocks.
ERIKA: Yup, that was the clincher for Lucas, that I hopped on his bike.

What is your favorite part of your spouse’s body?

LUCAS: Her brain!
ERIKA: His beautiful green eyes.

Something you wish you had known 25 weeks ago?

LUCAS: If I make money, it’s ours. If Erika makes money, some of it’s ours and the rest is hers!

Biggest accomplishment?

LUCAS: Watching every single episode of The Wire together, which is impressive, considering our different work schedules.
ERIKA: We really set high standards!

What is your partner’s most irritating quality?

ERIKA: Asking me how things taste before I even eat them.
LUCAS: When she vacuums while I’m watching TV.

What celebrity could you cheat on your spouse with guilt free?

ERIKA: We would both be allowed to cheat with [Portuguese soccer player] Cristiano Ronaldo!
LUCAS: Absolutely not true. Erika is the only celebrity that I’m allowed to sleep with.


small kindness your spouse shows you?

LUCAS: She’s very quiet in the morning when she is getting ready for work.
ERIKA: He’ll do little things, like send a picture or an e-mail to our family and friends when he’s proud of me.

Would it bother you if your spouse flirted with your friends?

ERIKA: Lucas will flirt with just about anyone. He is flirty with my friends, so no.
LUCAS: And my friends are flirty with Erika, so no.

What has been the biggest challenge?

LUCAS: You have to find that fine balance between what makes you happy and what’s best for the partnership. You learn how to deal with stressful situations, like when Erika’s grandfather passed away.
ERIKA: When I first got the call, Lucas came right away. He just hung out with my grandmother. He didn’t have to say anything; he was just there. I think that’s what a husband and a friend does. You can’t help but look to the marriages you know. Lucas and I are close to our parents, who are both still happily married for more than 40 years.

Favorite memory from your wedding day?

ERIKA: What I remember most was when all my bridesmaids left the room, and I was all alone before the ceremony. My dad popped his head in the room, and the horns started playing “Sea of Love” – and then I just remember Lucas’ smile.
LUCAS: She looked like an angel coming down the aisle.


ERIKA: Lucas and I want to have children. But right now, we’re enjoying having the freedom to travel, and we both want to move forward in our careers.
LUCAS: At least for another 25 weeks.


Lauren Kaplan
Age: 46
Occupation: Ceramics artist

Laurence Kaplan
Age: 52
Occupation: Executive Vice President of Gerber Finance Inc.

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Saying “i do”: 25 weeks and 25 years