Russia’s army stops buying kalashnikovs

Russia’s Ministry of Defense refuses to purchase the legendary AK74 assault rifles developed by the no less legendary designer Mikhail Kalashnikov. Breaking the long-lived tradition, the Army has not purchased the rifles in 2011 and has no plans to do so in 2012 or 2013.

Explaining its decision, the Defense Ministry says that “all the warehouses are already swamped with the guns”, but they have not been modernized for a long time. According to a source at the military agency, they have been long waiting for the Izhmash factory to produce a new assault rifle, which should be no less reliable than the AK74, but having a more close pattern and long range of fire.

In its turn, Izhmash said it will try to present the new rifle to the military before the New Year.

“We have already all the developments and we hope the military will like them. Until then, we are going to increase our exports and beef up the production of sports weapons”, a representative of Izhmash shared its plans with the Izvestia.

However, the gunsmiths are carefully hiding the truth from Mikhail Kalashnikov that the military do no longer buy his famous rifle.

“Michael Kalashnikov will soon be 92 years old. We do not want to have it on our conscience and tell him this news. It may kill him”, confessed one of his relatives to the Izvestia.

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Russia’s army stops buying kalashnikovs