Рассылка flylady

Dear FlyLady;

Years ago when my kids were small, I was an organized mom.

I had chores assigned to each day of the week. Each load of laundry had an assigned day also (whites on Monday etc.). My children grew up and we moved to another state (my husband retired).

Somehow, in the long move and living in small apartments until our house was built, I lost my rhythm.

It’s been years now and it seemed like no matter how hard I tried or what my intentions were, I just couldn’t get my “groove” back. I and my house was a mess!

I babysit my friends daughter and help her out at the house when I can. I saw this blue scrubby thing on her counter and used it to clean her dishwasher. I LOVED it. I called her to ask where she got it. She told me she ordered it off FlyLady and to look up the site. I did. I ordered 3.

Then I stared to really look at the site more closely. It sounded like a doable thing for me. I made a control journal and began. WOW..this has helped me get my groove back! THANK YOU!

Now while I do set the timer for the 15 min. If I have the extra time, I work until I’m done BUT, I give myself permission to stop anytime after the 15 minutes is up. I enjoy having the freedom I once had, knowing that things would all get done…15 minutes at a time.

My “granddaughter” (4yrs) likes the timer too. We make a game to see how much she can beat the clock. Little chores that took her forever to finish, now get done in record time (and done well too).

I have told everyone I know about your program (even those who manage to keep an immaculate home).

This keeps me focused and on task. I finally feel free to FLY once again!

Thank you
Quiltcrazy in TN

FlyLady here: Are you looking to get your groove back?

Routines and BabySteps help you fling the clutter and the CHAOS and give you the freedom to FLY.

Do you use a timer to motivate yourself or your family? It is a great tool.

The timer is the tool that helps motivate you to FLY!

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Рассылка flylady