Пушкин. Стихи./pushkin. poems

Should this life sometime deceive you,
Don’t be sad or mad at it!
On a gloomy day, submit:
Trust – fair day will come, why grieve you?

Heart lives in the future, so
What if gloom pervade the present?
All is fleeting, all will go;
What is gone will then be pleasant.

I have endured my desire,
I’ve ceased to love my fairy dreams,
And only fruit of hearty fire –
My sufferings have stayed, it seems.

And under storms of cruel kismet
My blooming spirit quickly died,
I waited for the end, I missed it.
I’m feeling loneliness inside.

So that enveloped by the blow
Of cold wind and stormy flaws
A leaf which is belated, sole,
Vibrates on bare branch in pause..

I loved you

I loved you, and that love, to die refusing,
May still – who knows! – be smouldering in my breast
Pray be not pained – believe me, of my choosing
I’d never have you troubled or distressed.
I loved you mutely, hopelessly and truly,
With shy yet fervent tenderness aglow;
Mine was a jealous passion and unruly…
May God grant that another’ll love you so!

The Captive

A captive, alone in a dungeon I dwell,
Entombed in the stillness and murk of a cell.
Outside, in the courtyard, in wild, frenzied play,
My comrade, an eagle, has punced on his prey.

Then, leaving it, at me he looks as if he
In thought and in purpose at one were with me.
He looks at me so, and he utters a cry.
“‘Tis time,” he is saying, “from here let us fly!

“We’re both wed to freedom, so let us away
To where lonely storm clouds courageously stray,
Where turbulent seas rsh to merge with the sky,
Where only the winds dare to venture and I!..”

A little bird

In alien lands devoutly clinging
To age-old rites of Russian earth,
I let a captive bird go winging
To greet the radiant spring’s rebirth.

My heart grew lighter then: why mutter
Against God’s providence, and rage,
When I was free to set aflutter
But one poor captive from his cage!

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Пушкин. Стихи./pushkin. poems