Почему я хочу увидеть США? / Why do I wish to see the USA?

Why do I wish to see the USA? What is the main purpose of this trip for me? Really, what?! On the one hand, it is difficult to give a short answer; on the other hand, it is an interesting question that demands the smart answer that can be presented from different aspects. Let`s consider the reasons of the trip to the USA: America is such a big country, it is immense and, certainly, various. There is New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Washington, Philadelphia and Las Vegas, the Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean, Niagara Falls, Great Lakes and other places of interest!

One week in the USA! Delightful travel to the States is a dream of my childhood… Will my dream come true one day?

New York is the capital of fashion; it evokes the associations with the film “Sex and The City”. New York simply attracts us to walk across Manhattan, to do some shopping, and to buy a pair of new shoes.

Washington is administrative capital of the USA. There is the Capitol, a building complex of the Congress and the Senate of the USA, the Supreme Court, Congress Library, and there is also the White House, Memorials to Lincoln, Jefferson, Washington.

Philadelphia is a city where independence of America has begun; the main relic of democratic America is Liberty Bell. Philadelphia amazes tourists with the grace of some ancient buildings and the magnificence of modern skyscrapers where banks and insurance companies are situated.

Thus, there is a lot of interesting things in the USA from the point of view of the sights. It is important not only to know the Country where youlive, but also to enrich the knowledge with something new and attractive of another country`s culture. It is better to do it not only from the books, but to get some personal experience.

It is a well-known fact that the English language is subdivided into British English and American English. American English, certainly, differs from British English, and this trip will

help me as a student of philological faculty to improve my English. I would like to listen to the English informal speech, I would like to communicate with native speakers, to learn slang, speech in daily dialogues that differs from written speech and, certainly, it is better to learn English in the USA in comparison to English which we speak here, in Russia.

The experience of communication with Americans will be useful to me further in my professional field of activity, for the teacher of English. Stories from life of the teachers, who have been abroad, as a rule, raise an interest to learn foreign languages.

In our modern and constantly changing world it is difficult to do without experience, therefore one of the reasons of this trip for me is the communication experience with foreigners. This trip will play a great role for me.

It would be desirable to learn the difference between America which is shown in the films and to see life of native speakers in America in reality.

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Почему я хочу увидеть США? / Why do I wish to see the USA?