Places in the city

Places in the City

City, town, capital, metropolis, big city, small town; village, hamlet, settlement;

Center, downtown, outskirts, suburb; region, district, neighborhood;
Streets and transportation

Street, road, avenue, alley, boulevard, lane, drive, route;

Main street, side street, back street, bystreet;

Main road, side road, back road, byroad, country road, dirt road, paved road;

Highway, speedway, expressway, freeway, parkway, causeway, access road, toll road, turnpike;

Autobahn, motorway, superhighway;

Intersection, crossroad; traffic light, red light, yellow light, green light;

Pedestrian crossing, zebra crossing, crosswalk; sidewalk, pavement;

Bus stop, bus terminal, taxi stop, subway station, subway entrance;

Parking lot, garage, curb parking, to park at the curb, parking meter;

Train station, railway station, airport;

House, apartment house, residential building;

Row house, townhouse, cottage, summer house; cabin, bungalow, hut, lodge; mansion, villa, castle, palace;

Two-story building, multistory building, skyscraper, high rise, tower;

Office building, concrete-steel building, glass building, brick building; elevator building, walk-up building;

Church, cathedral, temple, chapel, mosque, synagogue;
Eating places

Restaurant, French restaurant, fast food restaurant, self-service restaurant;

Cafe, diner, eatery, coffee shop, snack bar, lunchroom; bar, pub;
Shopping places

Shopping center, shopping mall; department store, shoe store, computer store, bookstore;

Food store, supermarket, grocery store; food market, farmers’ market;

Fair, annual fair, book fair, trade fair; trading center / trade center;

Market, market place, flower market, flea market; bazaar;

Newsstand, fruit stand, street vendor;
Tourist information places


information center, visitors center, visitors bureau, travel agency;

Hotel, inn, motel, lodge, youth hostel;
Places of interest and entertainment

Sightseeing places, sights; historical places, historic places; monument, memorial; museum, art gallery;

Zoo, botanical garden, park, amusement park;

Concert hall, theater, movie theater, cinema, circus; dancing hall, disco / discotheque, night club;

Rental agency; car rental, video rental; real estate agency, house rental, apartment rental;
Beauty shops

Hair salon / hairdresser’s, barber shop; beauty parlor / beauty salon / beauty shop; massage parlor;
Services and repair

Laundry, laundromat, dry cleaner’s;

Automobile repair shop / auto repair shop / car repair shop / garage;

Bicycle repair shop, computer repair workshop, home repair shop, locksmith’s shop;
Sports facilities

Health club, fitness center, gym; tennis club, golf club, country club;

Playground, sports ground, basketball ground, tennis court, golf course;

Swimming pool, skating rink, boxing ring, wrestling ring; racetrack, racecourse;

Football field, stadium, sports arena;
Educational facilities

Kindergarten, nursery school, elementary school, high school; college, university, academy;

Business school, vocational school, music school, medical school, law school; library;

Bank, ATM (automatic teller machine), cash machine, currency exchange;
Health facilities

Hospital, clinic, polyclinic, health center; hospital clinic, outpatient clinic / outpatients’ department;

Ambulatory surgical center; surgery department, cardiology department; dental clinic / the dentist’s;

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Places in the city