Письмо Королеве Елизавете / A letter to Queen Elisabeth

Dear Queen Elisabeth!

My name is Regina. I am very glad to write you, more over it is the first time when I write to such a famous person. I am interested to know if you wish to visit our small town. Now I want to tell you about our town. Apatity is in the centre of Murmansk area and Kola peninsula. Here the Kola branch of Academy of sciences of the Russian Federation is located. There are two Recreation centres, a cinema, musical school, libraries, sport constructions for rock-climbing, ski lines conforming to the international standards. Apatity is not only a town of scientists, but builders also. With the help of their hands the apatit-nepheline factory of industrial complex “Apatit” was erected. Now it is possible to name Apatity a city of students, for the last years ten branches of various institutes appeared. City holidays with salute and arrival of different celebrities are arranged periodically. Nearby there are mountains Hibiny. Famous actors arrive some times to our theater. We hope that you will visit it. And we will be sincerely glad to see you here, in this small town. Imagine what a surprise it would be.

Yours faithfully, Regina.

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Письмо Королеве Елизавете / A letter to Queen Elisabeth