Phrasal verbs in conversations – childhood


VICKI: I’d like to start by talking about your early life – your childhood…
CALLUM: My childhood?
VICKI: Yes, I want to take you back, to remember your childhood….
CALLUM: So we’re going back in time?
VICKI: Yes and on the journey we’ll be meeting lots of phrasal verbs, so let’s take you back in time now!
VICKI: So, Callum, where were born?
CALLUM: I was born in Scotland.
VICKI: And where did you live as a child?
CALLUM: Well…I grew up in a town called New Milton which is on the South Coast of England, between Bournemouth and Southampton.
VICKI: So you grew up there – you spent your childhood there. And what kind of upbringing, did you have? I mean were your parents strict with you?
CALLUM: I guess my parents didn’t really bring me up too strictly.
VICKI: So your upbringing – the way your parents brought you up, wasn’t too strict?
CALLUM: Well, I was always told to be polite and have respect and so on, but they tried to let me make my own mistakes. I think it was because they wanted me to be able to stand up for myself.
VICKI: Well, yes – being able to stand up for yourself, being independent and confident is important!
CALLUM: Yeah, you need to stand up for yourself in this world.!
VICKI: Anyway, what about brothers and sisters? Do you have any?
CALLUM: Yes I’ve got an older brother and a younger sister.
VICKI: Do you get on with them?
CALLUM: Yes, we get on well – we have a great time when we see each other.
VICKI: So you get on well now, but what about when you were children? Didn’t you ever use to fight?
CALLUM: Well sometimes of course, but even as children we got on quite well – we used to play together a lot.
VICKI: Well you were very lucky – I didn’t get on with my brother very well at all when we were children – we used to argue about everything!

Take back – return something;
Grow up – spend the years between being a child and being an adult;
Stand up – rise to a standing position;
Get on – have a good relationship.

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Phrasal verbs in conversations – childhood