Philosophy aspects of systema

Philosophy aspects of Systema

In Systema, the synergy of three components creates a TRUE WARRIOR – Combat Skill, Strong Spirit and Healthy Body.
The body has to be free of tension, filled with endurance, flexibility, effortless movement and explosive potential.
The spirit or psychological state has to be calm, free of anger, irritation, fear, self-pity, delusion and pride.
The combat skill includes movements that are powerful and precise, instant and economical, spontaneous, subtle and diverse, the signature of a true professional.
There is a reason why Russian Martial Art is called SYSTEMA. It is a complete set of concepts and training components that enhance one’s life. In this case, acquiring the martial art skill is a way to improve the function of all seven physiological systems of the body and all three levels of human abilities the physical, the psychological and the spiritual.

The key principle of the Russian Systema is non-destruction. The goal is to make sure that your training and your attitudes do no damage to the body or the psyche of you or your partners. Systema is designed to create, build and strengthen your body, your psyche, your family and your country.

Systema has another name “poznai sebia” or “Know Yourself”. What does it really mean to Understand Yourself? It is not just to know what your strengths and weaknesses are, that is good but fairly superficial. Training in Russian Martial Art is one of the sure ways to see the full extent of our limitations – to see how proud and weak we really are. Systema allows us to gain the true strength of spirit that comes from humility and clarity in seeing the purpose of our life.

As the roots of the Russian Systema are in the Russian Orthodox Christian faith, the belief is that everything that happens to us, good or bad, has only one ultimate purpose. That is to create the best possible conditions for each person

to understand himself. Proper training in the Russian Systema carries the same objective – to put every participant into the best possible setting for him to realize as much about himself as he is able to handle at any given moment.

One of Mikhail Ryabko’s words to the beginners is “Be a good person and everything else will come to you.” In a simple, yet comprehensive way Systema helps you choose and follow the right path.

Related readings in English:

The Spiritual Life and How to be Attuned to It – St. Theophan the Recluse
The Law of God – Archpriest Seraphim Slobodskoy
My Life in Christ – St. John of Kronstadt
With Pain and Love for Contemporary Man, Spiritual Awakening – Elder Paisios
The Hidden Messages in Water – Masaru Emoto

If you are visiting Toronto, you may get these and many other Orthodox books at the Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Church

The Heart of the Church: There is an imperishable treasure deep inside the human soul – God’s gift of endless joy of the eternal life. This gift is hidden in the heart – the center of our spiritual life (This link is highly recommended by Mikhail Ryabko and Vladimir Vasiliev).


Many people who are seriously studying Systema and are trying to understand its spiritual basis, at one point face this question: If Christian Orthodoxy is love and peace, how can it be the foundation of a martial art? Balancing non-violence and acting in self-defense is an issue that every human being has to resolve for himself. So let’s take a look at it.
Compare an athlete fighting in the ring and a warrior defending his homeland.

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Philosophy aspects of systema