Personal pronouns

Personal Pronouns
Category: Pronouns & Possessives

Personal pronouns are words used in place of the names of people and objects. They depend on the reference point of the conversation or narrative. When used as subjects, they include I, you, he, she, it, we, and they.
When used for other purposes, they include me, you, him, her, it, us, and them. The most common purpose outside of being used as a subject is being used as an object.
When used after prepositions (ex. at/with/for), the object form is used. Although strictly considered ungrammatical, the object form is often used after be (ex. “It’s me.”). The object form is also used in other informal situations (ex. “I’m tired.” “Me too!”). It, they, and them are often used for things, places and animals. It is also used to talk about distances, the weather, times, and dates.

First Person Singular >> I
Second Person Singular >> you
Third Person Singular >> he, she, it
First Person Plural >> we
Second Person Plural >> you, you all
Third Person Plural >> they

First Person Singular >> me
Second Person Singular >> you
Third Person Singular >> him, her, it
First Person Plural >> us
Second Person Plural >> you, you all
Third Person Plural >> them

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Personal pronouns