Organic labeling and marketing information

United States Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Marketing Service
National Organic Program
Organic Labeling and Marketing
The Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA) and the
National Organic Program (NOP) assure consumers
That the organic agricultural products they purchase
Are produced, processed, and certified to consistent
National organic standards. The labeling requirements
Of the NOP apply to raw, fresh products and
Processed products that contain organic agricultural
Ingredients. Agricultural products that are sold,
Labeled, or represented as organic must be produced
And processed in accordance with the NOP
Except for operations whose gross income from
Organic sales totals $5,000 or less, farm and processing
Operations that grow and process organic agricultural
Products must be certified by USDA-accredited
Certifying agents.
Labeling requirements are based on the percentage
Of organic ingredients in a product.
Agricultural products labeled “100 percent organic”
And “organic”
Products labeled as “100 percent organic” must
Contain (excluding water and salt) only organically
Produced ingredients and processing aids.
Products labeled “organic” must consist of at least 95
Percent organically produced ingredients (excluding
Water and salt). Any remaining product ingredients
Must consist of non-agricultural substances approved
On the National List including specific non-organically
Produced agricultural products that are not
Commercially available in organic form.
Products meeting the requirements for “100 percent
Organic” and “organic” may display these terms and
The percentage of organic content on their principal
Display panel.

seal and the seal or mark of involved
Certifying agents may appear on product packages
And in advertisements.
Agricultural products labeled “100 percent organic”
And “organic” cannot be produced using excluded
Methods, sewage sludge, or ionizing radiation.
Processed products labeled “made with organic
Processed products that contain at least 70 percent
Organic ingredients can use the phrase “made
With organic ingredients” and list up to three of the
Organic ingredients or food groups on the principal
Display panel. For example, soup made with at least
70 percent organic ingredients and only organic
Vegetables may be labeled either “soup made with
Organic peas, potatoes, and carrots,” or “soup made
With organic vegetables.”
Processed products labeled “made with organic
Ingredients” cannot be produced using excluded
Methods, sewage sludge, or ionizing radiation. The
Percentage of organic content and the certifying
Agent seal or mark may be used on the principal
Display panel. However, the USDA seal cannot be
Used anywhere on the package.

Processed products that contain less than 70 percent
Organic ingredients
These products cannot use the term organic
Anywhere on the principal display panel. However,
They may identify the specific ingredients that are
Organically produced on the ingredients statement on
The information panel.
Other labeling provisions
Any product labeled as organic must identify each
Organically produced ingredient in the ingredient
Statement on the information panel.
The name of the certifying agent of the final product
Must be displayed on the information panel. The
Address of the certifying agent of the final product
May be displayed on the information panel.
There are no restrictions on use of other truthful

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Organic labeling and marketing information