Old age

Andrew Wilson was visiting a home for old people. He went up to an old man who had a very long white beard and said,
“Can I ask how old you are, sir?”
“Ninety-six,” replied the old man.
“Why do you think you have lived so long?” asked Andrew,
“I don’t smoke. I don’t drink beer or wine.”
At the other side of the room Andrew saw a man who looked older. He went up to the man and asked politely,
“Can I ask how old you are, sir?”
“Ninety-nine,” replied the old man.
“Why do you think you have lived so long?” asked Andrew.
“I don’t smoke or drink. And I am not married,” he said.
A nurse came into the room. She was pushing a very, very old man in a wheelchair.
Andrew said to the man,
“Can I ask how old you are, sir?”
“One hundred and ten years old,” replied the old man.
“Why do you think you have lived so long?” asked Andrew.
“I don’t smoke or drink. I am not married and I never eat meat.”
In the corner of the room Andrew saw a very, very, very old man. He had no hair, no teeth and he could not see or hear very well.
“Why do you think you have lived so long, sir?” Andrew asked.
“I smoke forty cigarettes every day, I drink five bottles of wine. I have twenty children. I only eat meat and chocolate. I never eat fruit.”
Andrew was very surprised and said,
“And how old are you, sir?”
The man said slowly,
“Thirty-five years old.”

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Old age