Oh, the places i’ll go alan page

I’ve been attempting to travel less recently, and I’m happy to say that beyond early November, I have no (work related) travel plans anywhere on the horizon. For better or for worse, I’ve had a deluge of great opportunities converge over the next thirty days.(for those of you who may be experiencing déjà vu, I mentioned this travel spurt a few months ago).

I’m off to Portland, Oregon tomorrow. I’m planning to spend the weekend goofing off before frantically updating my slides Sunday night. My PNSQC presentation is Monday at 11:00, and I’ll spend the remainder of the conference trying to attend as many presentations as I can.

I return home on Tuesday evening, and on Wednesday morning, I’ll be giving a presentation on build verification tests for the STP automation summit.

Then – after ten or so days of time at home, I’m off to Israel. I’ll be spending a day at Microsoft’s Israel office, and then giving a keynote at an Intel internal software conference. I’m honored to have been invited and am looking forward to my first trip to Israel.

I get home just in time for Halloween, but depart a week later for a keynote at German Testing Day. Again, I’m honored to have been invited and I’m excited both to attend, and about the topic I’ll be speaking about.

Frankly, this is probably more travel and presenting than a non-consultant should be doing, but I do believe there’s value in establishing and maintaining industry relationships, and I’m grateful that Microsoft supports my participation (and time away from work). As much as I know I’ll enjoy the travel and meeting so many testers, I know I’ll be glad when the flurry is over.

In between all of that, I have some interesting projects brewing at work – and I can’t wait to share more details…stay tuned.

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Oh, the places i’ll go alan page