Oais responsobilities

Subsection 3.1 identifies the minimal responsibilities that shall be discharged by an OAIS.
Subsection 3.2 gives some examples of mechanisms to discharge these responsibilities, although not all of these will be applicable to all OAISs.
This subsection establishes mandatory responsibilities that an organization must discharge in order to operate an OAIS archive.
The OAIS must:
– Negotiate for and accept appropriate information from information Producers.
– Obtain sufficient control of the information provided to the level needed to ensure Long-Term Preservation.
– Determine, either by itself or in conjunction with other parties, which communities should become the Designated Community and, therefore, should be able to understand the information provided.
– Ensure that the information to be preserved is Independently Understandable to the Designated Community. In other words, the community should be able to understand the information without needing the assistance of the experts who produced the information.
– Follow documented policies and procedures which ensure that the information is preserved against all reasonable contingencies, and which enable the information to be disseminated as authenticated copies of the original, or as traceable to the original.
– Make the preserved information available to the Designated Community.
This subsection provides example mechanisms for discharging the responsibilities of 3.1. Not all of these mechanisms will be applicable to all OAISs.
An organization operating an OAIS will have established some criteria that aids in determining the types of information that it is willing to, or it is required to, accept. These criteria may include, among others, subject

matter, information source, degree of uniqueness or originality, and the nature of the techniques used to represent the information (e. g., physical media, digital media, format). The information may, in general, be submitted using a wide variety of common and not-so-common forms, such as books, documents, maps, data sets, and moon rocks using a variety of communication paths including networks, mail, and special delivery.
The OAIS negotiates with the Producer to ensure it acquires appropriate Content Information and associated PDI for its mission and the Designated Community. Considerable iteration may be required to agree on the right information to be submitted, and to get it into forms acceptable to the OAIS. For example, this may include digitizing audio or video material, or scanning text.
The OAIS should extract, or otherwise obtain, sufficient Descriptive Information to assist the Designated Community in finding the Content Information of interest. It also should ensure that the information meets all OAIS internal standards.
It is important for the OAIS to recognize the separation that can exist between physical ownership or possession of Content Information and ownership of intellectual property rights in this information. If it has created the information and is the legal owner of the Content Information, the OAIS already has the independence to do what is required to preserve the information and make it available.

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Oais responsobilities