Nice, but rough

An elephant was having a horrible time in the jungle because a horsefly kept biting near her tail and there was nothing she could do about it. It was far out of reach.

A sparrow saw this and killed the horsefly with its beak. “Oh, thank you!” said the elephant. “My, pleasure ma’am.” said the sparrow. “Listen, Mr. Sparrow, if there’s anything I can ever do for you, don’t hesitate to ask.”

The sparrow said, “Well, all my life I wondered how it would feel to fuck an elephant.” “Be my guest!”, said the elephant.

So the sparrow flew behind the elephant and started fucking. In the trees above, a monkey in the tree saw this and became very excited. He started to masturbate, shaking a coconut loose and it fell from the tree, hitting the elephant on the head. “OUCH!”, said the elephant.

Then sparrow looked over from behind and said, “Am I hurting you, dear?”

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Nice, but rough