Начало начал / The Beginning of the Beginning


Many, many years ago in the south of the Great Country of Georgia, where one can enjoy the most beautiful, navy blue sea, and where are rustling fir-trees and pine-trees, and where are high palms and roses in blossom, the story begins.

Nothing enriches the language of nation so much as legends. Nothing joins two nations so much as common legends and fairy-tales. And this story looks like both of them because it is about the most important, the most precious and the sweetest for everyone`s heart, both for Georgian, and for Russian, about kindness, devotion, justice, and about magic, which is, certainly, love.

Part 1

Under the Blue Sky

It is an early summer morning. The sea is like warm milk, just like undress and warm yourself. It is Quiet. The sky isn`t disturbed by a wing of the bird. Peace and calmness are felt in the earth, and in the water, and in the sky.

A girl used to come here every morning. The sea looked magic for her. She liked to watch how it woke up, at first the soft breeze touched the smooth surface of water and left trace as if someone touched by a finger`s breadth the surface of water by invisible hand. Then plankton woke up to breath in fresh air. And then there would be a deep breath of wave and it would be as if under the depth of the water someone big inhaled and woke up. Awakening.

Both people and birds would wake up at this hour, and only a whistle of the bird would be heard in a needle-leaved forest. Cocks would begin to crow, interrupting each other asif they heard the bird. One Could feel the smoke, the sign of the housewives having made the fire in the ovens.

The girl remembered suddenly that she needed to pick up mushrooms for the breakfast, surely her granny was already up.

There was a forest near the seaside. Young needle-leaved trees grew together with mimosas and pomegranates, larch and wild apple-trees, impassable bushes and smooth green grass. The forest was the constant object of surprise and admiration for the girl. She came here to discover something new every day. The girl took away the cover of needles under her feet, and here they were shining, new, odorous Slippery Jacks, real gifts of the dear forest. Suddenly the drops of dew from the needles were shaken down by the gentle breeze, and then would fall on the ground drizzling. The girl screamed and ran. Then soaked, frozen, but satisfied and gay, the girl would run from the forest and hurry away to granny at home. A new day began. The sunrise wasbright.

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Начало начал / The Beginning of the Beginning