My home

My home

My home town is Bristol. It’s a small town in the South-West of England. I live in a two-storey house on the outskirts of Bristol, near the River Avon. In front of the house there’s a
Garden which goes down to the river bank and in spring and summer there are flowers everywhere.
There are 3 bedrooms upstairs. Two are quite big and one small and they have a fine view of the river. The bathroom is downstairs next to the kitchen and there’s a living room with a
Lovely fireplace. But the room I like best is my study, as I call it. It’s rather big, so there is enough space to move around. It’s a very 15 bright room because there’s a large window looking out onto the street. There isn’t much furniture in my room. There’s a desk near the window, a sofa against the wall, a coffee table with an armchair beside the door. There are also a lot of shelves for my books and a lot of other things I need for my work. There isn’t a reading lamp, but there’s a standard lamp I can use when it gets dark. There is a clock and a carpet on the wall above the sofa and on the opposite wall there arc some posters of my favorite groups. Well, what else is there in my room? A stereo, a CD player, a guitar and guess what? – a swivel chair, the gem of the whole collection! I love my room for many reasons but the thing I appreciate most is the feeling of comfort and safety it gives every time I’ m there.
My new home in Oxford is quite different. I live in a Hall of Residence, as it is called here. It has got all the necessary facilities. I’m lucky to have a single bedroom on the third floor. It’s a small room, but light and cosy. To the left of the door there’s a wardrobe with a mirror and on the right there is a book-shelf with some souvenirs from Bristol. My desk is on the left, near the wardrobe. On the desk there is a computer, a reading lamp, pens, pencils, envelopes and some paper. There are also a lot of photos of my family. Above the desk there are some pleasant drawings of Oxford and a photo of my house in Bristol. There aren’t any pictures or photos on another wall, just a light and my guitar. There are two chairs in the room – one is at the desk J 45 and the other is between the wardrobe and the desk. My bed is on the right facing the desk. There’s я small pretty carpet on the floor beside the bed. In the left-hand corner there is a stool and opposite it, at the head of my bed there is a bedside table. There are a couple of things that make my room look homelike – a plant on the windowsill, bright curtains, beautiful wallpaper and my clothes scattered all over the room. It’s certainly a nice room but not like the one back home!

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My home