“my flat&raquo

Like most families of a large city my family lives in a block of flats. It is a 9-storey building, situated rather far from the center of the city. There is no undergroundstation near by, but it’s not a problem to get to downtown by bus or by tram.

We live in a rather quiet district. Nevertheless there is a number of shops, a hairdresser’s, a chemist’s and a cafe near my house.

My flat is situated on the 5th floor. There is an elevator in every porch, so we don’t have to walk up.

We have three rooms: a large living-room, my parents’ bedroom and my room. Certainly, there is a kitchen, a bathroom and a lavatory in our flat.

The flooring is parquet in the rooms and entrance hall, in the bathroom and lavatory it’s tiled. All the rooms are papered, with wallpaper of a different pattern and colour.

A feature of life in a modern flat today is a number of electrical appliances, that make our life easier and save our time. Our family has a washing machine, a vacuum cleaner, a toaster, a chip pan and squeezer. My mother’s dream is a dish-washer, but it is too expensive for the family budget.

My room is not the largest in the flat, but I really like it very much as I’ve furnished it by myself. I’ve got everything necessary here: a writing table to work at, a sofa to sleep on, a wardrobe for clothes, a wall unit with books and magazines I need, and a number of pictures and posters on the walls. I have not got a TV-set in my room, but I can watch it in the living-room. The thing I really lack is a personal computer. If I had a PC, I would be able to use it for doing my school projects and reports, listening to CDs and playing computer games. But my family can’t afford it at the moment. In fact, I’ve got a musical centre, so I have a possibility to listen to my favourite cassettes and CDs.

Actually, I think it’s great to have a room of my own, so that I can put all the things wherever I want. I’m really happy to have the place, where I can work and rest, where I feel comfortable, relaxed and independent.

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“my flat&raquo