My faculty

I am a student of technological faculty. Technological faculty was founded In 1930. Since that time It has been training specialists In the line of technology of dairy products. The dean of the faculty is Solovyova T. A.. It is the leading faculty in the university. There are 4 leading chairs at the faculty. They are meat and meat products technology, milk and milk products technology, food chemistry and biotechnology and technology of packing and packaging.
The full course of study lasts 5 years. The academic year runs from September to July. There are 2 terns at the end of which the students have their examination-session. The full course of study can be divided into 2 stages. The aim of the first stage is to provide a broad and solid foundation for professional knowledge and to get knowledge fundamental subjects.
In the junior courses the students study such subjects as higher mathematics, physics, chemistry, philosophy, history of Russia, foreign languages, elementary computer programming and many other subjects.
The aim of the second stage is to get good professional knowledge. In the senior courses the students study subjects determining their future speciality. During the final year students are busy working at their diploma projects.
The students get their speciality in the field of the meat technology, milk technology, fish technology and etc. Students do practical training in their special fields. Close contacts of our university with some research institutes and industrial enterprises introduce the students to the latest achievements in science and engineering and help them to team modern research methods of technologies.
Graduates are employed in a wide range of industries including many manufacturing industries, diary plants and bio-agricultural industries. Graduates try to do their best, to become good specialists in their field of interest.

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My faculty