Моя визитная карточка / My visiting card


My name is Valentine. I`m 10. I am in the 4th form. I live in Krivtsovo.

Two years ago my family lived in Blagoveshchensk, but my brother was ailing and that`s why we had to change our place of residence, but I`m not upset. I have a lot of new friends now.

The nature is wonderful here! It is not as cold as in Blagoveshchensk. Round the village there are a lot of woods and there are many berries and mushrooms there. Not far from my village there is a pond. In summer my family and I like to rest there.

I think I am calm and quiet. My mother thinks I am industrious, but my father sometimes calls me lazy bones.

I like to study and usually get good marks. My favourite subject is English. I want to know it well.

I`ve got a cousin. She lives in Australia. Her mother is Australian. On winter holidays they visited us. And it was great when my aunt and my cousin spoke English and I could understand them.

My hobby is the automodelling. Every year I and my father take part in the automodelling competition. Last year I got the prize for the best model.

That`s all I can say about myself.

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Моя визитная карточка / My visiting card