Moving to a new residence

– Wow, it looks like someone new has arrived in our town. What’s your name?
– My name is Mike, Michael Wilkins. What is your name?
– Nice to meet you. I’m Sarah, Sarah Parker. How old are you?
– I am twenty. I just turned twenty two weeks ago.
– I am twenty-one. I saw a lot of people getting out of your van. Is your family big?
– Oh, yeah. I have a big family. I live with my mother, father and two sisters. My grandparents also live with us, but they haven’t arrived yet. We also have other relatives in this town. My aunt and my uncle live here with their children.
– That’s great! My family isn’t very big. I live with my mother and brother. By the way, where are you living?
– We are living on Baker street. Number 9. We’ve bought the entire house.
– Um… I am not sure if I know where it is. Can you describe what your house looks like?
– Sure. It’s a two-storey building. Its walls are made of red brick and its roof is made of green tiles. It has a white wooden fence, which is nearly a meter and a half high around it. We are planning to plant a lot of flowers along the fence after we have redecorated the house. Unfortunately, the interior of the house doesn’t look as good as its exterior.
– Ok, thank you. Now I’ve remembered where it is. What do you do for a living?
– Nothing, I am a student. Sometimes I help my dad in his garage. Repairing cars is our family business and we have to reopen it in this town. He pays me well for any job I do in the garage, but it’s not easy to charge your own dad. Sometimes I wish that he would pay me less because I think that I haven’t learned enough about cars to be paid the same as an experienced mechanic.
– How interesting. Do you have any hobbies?
– Yes, I have some hobbies. I used to play football with my friends where I lived before. I also watch football on TV. I know every European team that plays in the top league, and of course, I’m a fan of Real Madrid.
– That’s cool. As for me, I prefer tennis. We have a great tennis court here. Why did you decide to move here?
– Well, my parents decided. Our garage didn’t bring much profit there. We hope that we can earn more here, because this town stands next to the big motorway. Besides, we’ve always dreamed of living in the south, where the climate is very mild.
– I hope you’ll like this town. It’s a really nice and peaceful place. The climate here is great. It really was nice talking to you. See you again.
– Thanks, it was very interesting to talk with you too. See you.

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Moving to a new residence