Most workplaces unsafe, russians say

Most workplaces unsafe, Russians say

Only 15 per cent of workers say safety levels are “very high”, while many don’t understand the concept

A Superjob. ru survey conducted the day before Labour Safety Day on April 28 showed that only 15 per cent of Russian workers consider that the level of safety in their workplaces as high.
The term “workplace safety” means the safety of workers’ health and lives, from legal, technical, sanitary and other points of view.
The 15 per cent of respondents who answered that safety measures at their workplaces are very good said that they have “masks, helmets, protective clothes, everything, including a mountain of instructions” and that “at the entrance there’s an armed guard.”
The majority of those polled – 39 per cent – said labour safety at their places of work was normal, noting “our company is not a dangerous business, so everything’s fine here” and “[it] depends on what you’re comparing it with.”
However, a worryingly large minority, 32 per cent, said that their bosses do not pay any attention to labour safety standards. “There are almost no safety standards here,” said one, “we’re being exploited to the max here,”; another asked”[After] a dozen accidents, some of them fatal, can this be considered a low level of labour safety?” “Using the threat of dismissal, they force us to commit grave offences against labour safety,” another answered.
Even some respondents working in governmental institutions complained that labour safety is low or non-existent in their workplace, highlighting the fact that workplace precautions are not yet a major priority in Russian society.
Another 14 per cent said that they weren’t sure what labour safety meant, or how to evaluate its level.
Unsurprisingly, this year’s survey about labour safety yielded almost the same results as last year.

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Most workplaces unsafe, russians say